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Rachel & Mitchell — Minted




Rachel and Mitchell

Our special day


Rachel and I met through work, running into each other briefly but neither having the courage to speak to one another. After a smidgen of help from a friend, I found out who she was and to me the rest is history. When she walked through the doors on our first date, she stole my heart and all the words I needed to use to introduce myself. Our date plan was to meet for drinks then have dinner. After a few hours of talking over drinks and never making dinner, I knew I had to try some of the world’s finest spaghetti she bragged about. Not long after, I began to develop a love for Rachel. This was followed by living together in my loft apartment during Covid and finally our first home together. I thought of a thousand ways to propose to Rachel, each one better than the last. While her friends warned me to always ensure her hair, makeup, and nails were right for this special moment, I couldn't let them down. Anyone who knows Rachel knows you cannot keep a secret from her. She always wants to know every detail. What she thought would be a simple Christmas card photo turned into a life-changing moment for the both of us. I could not image a more amazing woman as my wife.

To this day, I say Mitchell caught my eye before he noticed me. I first saw him during a code at work (super romantic, right?) and was immediately captivated. Because I didn't know his name yet, he was deemed "work crush". After other run-ins at the hospital, I learned his name was Mitchell. So I could see Mitchell, I volunteered to float to his unit. A few weeks later, Mitchell ended up caring for a loved one, so I had yet another reason to see him. I owe it all to a friend and many martinis, because I agreed to let her message Mitchell for me. Soon after that, we were planning our first date. We always joke that we knew we wanted to marry each other the second we saw one another that night. Our first date turned into 5 hours of talking and laughing, only having to leave because the restaurant was closing. Little did I know, our first date was just the beginning of something incredibly special. Mitchell proposed to me on November 13th. What I thought was just a trip to take some photos for our annual Christmas card turned into the best day of our lives. If you know Mitchell, you know there is no such thing as a stranger. He ended up asking a "stranger" to take a photo of us. As I turned around, Mitchell was on one knee, asking me if I would love him forever as his wife. After my initial "holy shit!", it was the easiest yes I've ever answered. I love Mitchell more than I can put into words.